API Reference

This API endpoint allows you to create an inspection based on a specific template. When a request is successful, the API returns the newly generated inspection and all its data.

To create an inspection without filling in any responses, include the team_id and template_id in the request body. These are the only two required fields to create a blank inspection.

Create an inspection by copying an existing inspection

To populate responses, utilize an existing inspection as a template. This method involves accessing the details of an existing inspection, which already contains data for the items you intend to populate. Copy the relevant item(s) and adjust their responses before initiating the create request. Refer to the Get a list of inspections section for guidance on retrieving inspection details.

Notes on inspection creation

Currently, it's only possible to create template-based inspections, free-form inspections cannot be created. The type of inspection question_responses that can be populated at inspection creation time are text, number, radio(single-choice), checkbox(multi-choice), dropdown, and date. Additionally, setting or adding files as well as notes is not supported in the current version of API.

The owner of the created inspection will be the user linked to the API key that was used to initiate the API call.

During inspection creation, it's not possible to set shares, meaning you cannot share the inspection with other users. However, you can utilize the Share an inspection endpoint to share an inspection after its creation.

If the question_responses or any other data are malformed, the request will likely fail, typically resulting in a common error message and a "400" error code. Check the information of the created inspection in the response to ensure all data have been successfully populated.

Valid responses for Control

To understand the valid or acceptable responses for a specific control type, please refer to the table below:

Control typeResponse typeDescriptionExample
textStringAny string value is supported."John Doe" will be considered as valid response
numberString or FloatAny string or float value that qualifies as a valid number is supported."99.99" or 99.99 both will be considered as valid response
radioStringAny single value from the choices array of the control is accepted.For instance, if we take the available choices as ["Yes", "No", "N/A"], then any single value from the choices array is considered valid for the response.
checkboxArrayMultiple values from the choices array of the control are accepted.For instance, if we consider the available choices as ["Bike", "Car", "Boat"], then multiple values from the choices array are valid for the response.
Important Note: The type of response should always be an array. Whether a single value or multiple values are selected
dropdownStringAny single value from the choices array of the control is accepted.For instance, if we take the available choices as ["Yes", "No", "N/A"], then any single value from the choices array is considered valid for the response.
dateStringAny string value that qualifies as a valid date is supported."2024-04-17" or "2024-04-17 20:30:00" or "2024-04-17T20:30:00Z"
Any string value that represents a valid date will be accepted. However, it's strongly recommended to use dates in the ISO 8601 date and time format and convert them to UTC for consistency and clarity.

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